How To Prepare for a Facelift: A Comprehensive Guide 

Model image of a mature woman touching her jaw

Deciding to undergo facelift surgery is a significant step toward rejuvenating your appearance and boosting self-confidence. Proper preparation is essential whether you’re considering a full facelift, a lower face and neck lift, or a combined procedure. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the steps to take when preparing for facelift surgery.

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

One of the most crucial steps in preparing for your facelift is selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. At Dermatology Associates of Rochester, Dr. Calvin Young’s education and training include completing a 5-year general surgery residency at Yale University. He also spent 2 additional years at Yale for research, followed by 3 years of highly specialized training at the University of Michigan, one of the nation’s premier plastic surgery divisions.

Reading patient reviews and viewing before-and-after photos of previous facelift patients are other steps to take when selecting a plastic surgeon.

Your Consultation

The initial consultation with your plastic surgeon allows you to discuss your goals, ask questions, and get a clear understanding of what to expect. Dr. Young assesses your facial structure, skin quality, and overall health to determine the most suitable approach for your individual needs. We also use VECTRA® 3-D Imaging to show your potential results from different angles.

Key points to address during the consultation include:

  • Discussing expectations and desired outcomes
  • Asking about the surgical technique
  • Understanding potential risks and complications
  • Getting a detailed explanation of the recovery process

Your surgeon will gather your complete medical history and ask about any medications, supplements, or herbal remedies you’re taking. You may need to discontinue use of some of these in the weeks leading up to your surgery.

Discussing Your Surgical Options

During your consultation, Dr. Young will recommend procedures to address your individual needs. For example, a facelift addresses signs of aging in the lower two-thirds of your face by lifting sagging cheeks, smoothing out wrinkles and folds, and tightening loose skin along the jawline. If you’re specifically concerned about the lower part of your face and under your chin, however, you might consider a lower facelift, sometimes called a jowl lift, or a neck lift.

Medical Preparations

You may need to have pre-op medical tests to ensure you’re in good health for the procedure. They may include blood tests, a complete physical exam, and an EKG (depending on your age and medical history).

Making Lifestyle Changes

We may recommend making certain lifestyle adjustments in the weeks before the facelift.

  • Quit smoking: If you’re a smoker, now’s the time to quit. Smoking can significantly impair your body’s healing process and increase the risk of complications. Aim to stop smoking at least 4 weeks before your surgery.
  • Limit alcohol consumption: Cut back on drinking in the weeks leading up to your procedure. Alcohol thins your blood and increases the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support your body’s healing process. Foods high in vitamin C and protein can be particularly beneficial.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water in the days before your surgery. Proper hydration is crucial for optimal healing.

Ideally, these lifestyle modifications will become lifelong changes.

Preparing for Recovery After a Facelift

Returning home after surgery to a comfortable space with plenty of precooked meals in the refrigerator makes recovery easier. Here are some tips for preparing your house for your recovery:

  • Create a “nest” where you’ll spend most of your time resting: This could be a recliner or a couch with plenty of pillows to keep your head elevated. Have everything you’ll want at arm’s length, such as remote controls, electronic devices, water bottles, books, and anything else that will help you pass the time.
  • Fill any prescriptions your plastic surgeon provides in advance: When you return home, you’ll want to have pain relief medication readily available.
  • Have ice packs or frozen peas on hand to reduce swelling: Your surgeon will provide instructions on how often to apply ice packs.

Run any errands and complete tasks you would normally do in the week or two during your recovery. Examples include making online payments that are due during this time frame, picking up dry cleaning, or getting groceries. Recovery is a time for focusing on rest and healing, not your usual daily tasks.

The Day Before Surgery

The day before your facelift is all about final preparations. Be sure to follow our specific instructions on eating and drinking. Shower and wash your hair; you won’t be able to shower for several days after the procedure. Make sure the person driving you to and from the procedure is ready. You’ll also need someone to stay with you for at least the first 24 hours after surgery.

Managing Your Expectations

Emotional preparation is just as important as the practical steps when getting ready for a facelift. It’s crucial to maintain realistic expectations about your results. While a facelift dramatically improves your appearance and boosts your confidence, it’s not a magic wand that will completely stop the aging process. Remember, the goal is to look like a refreshed, more youthful version of yourself—not like a different person entirely.

Surgery Day

On the day of your surgery, try to stay calm and positive. Remember, you’ve done all the necessary preparation and are in good hands. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, and don’t forget to bring any items your surgeon has requested, such as medical information or postoperative garments.

After Surgery

While this guide focuses on preparation, it’s worth noting that the facelift recovery process is just as important as the preparation. Be prepared for some swelling and bruising in the days following your surgery. Follow your postoperative instructions carefully, including how to care for your incisions, when you can resume normal activities, and when to schedule follow-up appointments. You can get more information about facelift recovery in our previous blog post.

Remember, patience is key during recovery. It may take several weeks to see the full results of your facelift, but the wait will be worth it when you see your refreshed, more youthful appearance in the mirror.

Rejuvenate Your Appearance

Facelift surgery performed at our Rochester practice produces attractive, natural-looking results. It’s easy to request a consultation with Dr. Young using the online form. Or call us at (585) 272-0700 to schedule an appointment.

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