No Sweat: What To Expect Before, During & After miraDry® Treatment

Woman wrapped in a towel, arms raised and hands resting on her head. (MODEL)

Excessive underarm sweating can be a real confidence killer. If you’ve ever found yourself avoiding social situations or giving presentations at work because you’re constantly worrying about sweat stains, miraDry is a solution. This revolutionary treatment permanently eliminates underarm sweat glands with little to no downtime.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to miraDry treatments, including how to prepare and what to expect during and after the procedure. We’ll also compare miraDry to BOTOX® injections, which the FDA has also approved to treat excessive underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis).

What Is miraDry and How Does it Work?

MiraDry is an FDA-cleared, noninvasive treatment that targets sweat glands under the arms with electromagnetic energy, permanently eliminating them. The energy heats the glands while, at the same time, the device cools the skin’s surface to keep you comfortable.

The best part? A miraDry treatment doesn’t just reduce sweat—it also reduces odor and underarm hair. Many patients report a significant reduction in underarm hair growth after treatment.

Preparing for Your miraDry Treatment

Getting ready for your miraDry treatment is relatively simple. You should:

  • Shave your underarms 2 to 3 days before the procedure.
  • Avoid using antiperspirants or deodorants for 24 hours before treatment.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your appointment.

If you’re worried about being uncomfortable during the treatment, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever before your appointment.

What Does the Treatment Feel Like?

It’s natural to worry about whether a treatment that uses heat energy to destroy sweat glands will hurt. The innovative miraDry device is designed with your comfort in mind. Before beginning the treatment, your provider numbs the area with a local anesthetic. Then, they place the handpiece on your skin, delivering electromagnetic energy. Some patients say they feel a slight suction as the handpiece works. The procedure typically takes about an hour. Most patients describe the sensation as warm or slightly hot but not painful. Thanks to the numbing agent, discomfort is usually minimal.

After Your miraDry Treatment: What To Expect

Even though the full impact of miraDry takes a few weeks to notice, some patients experience an immediate reduction in sweat after the procedure. You can typically return to normal activities or work right after your treatment. However, it’s best to avoid intense exercise for a few days. Swelling, numbness, or bruising in the treatment area is normal and usually resolves soon after the procedure.

The sweat glands eliminated by miraDry don’t grow back, so the results are long-lasting. Most patients experience a significant reduction in underarm sweat after just one treatment. Clinical studies showed that miraDry treatments reduced sweat by 82%, and 89% of patients were no longer bothered by odor.

MiraDry vs. BOTOX for Reducing Excessive Underarm Sweat

When it comes to treating excessive underarm sweat, miraDry isn’t the only option. BOTOX, best known for reducing wrinkles, can also treat hyperhidrosis. Both miraDry and BOTOX can be highly effective in reducing underarm sweat. BOTOX minimizes expression lines by blocking nerve signals to the facial muscles that help you squint, frown, look surprised, or change your expression in other ways. Injecting BOTOX under the arms blocks nerve signals that tell sweat glands to activate. 

How do BOTOX and miraDry compare? The effectiveness of BOTOX is similar to miraDry, with studies showing it reduces sweat by about 85%. Other factors to consider include:

  • How long results last: MiraDry offers a significant advantage here, producing permanent results by eliminating sweat and odor glands. BOTOX, on the other hand, provides temporary results lasting about 4 to 6 months. Because BOTOX is temporary, you’ll need maintenance treatments to reduce sweating.
  • Side effects: MiraDry may cause temporary swelling, numbness, or bruising. BOTOX side effects are typically minimal but can include pain at the injection site or temporary muscle weakness.
  • Additional benefits: A miraDry treatment also reduces underarm odor and hair growth. BOTOX only addresses sweating.
  • Cost: Even though a miraDry treatment is more expensive than BOTOX injections, the long-term cost of BOTOX adds up because you need repeated treatments to maintain the results.

You can read more about how miraDry and BOTOX compare for treating hyperhidrosis in our previous blog post.

Is miraDry Right for You?

Imagine never having to worry about sweat stains on your favorite shirt again. Picture yourself raising your arms confidently, without fear of embarrassing sweat marks or odor. That’s the kind of freedom and confidence miraDry can provide. While miraDry dramatically reduces underarm sweat, it doesn’t completely eliminate your body’s ability to sweat. You’ll still be able to cool yourself naturally–you’ll just be doing it a lot more comfortably.

To learn if you can benefit from miraDry, request a consultation at Dermatology Associates of Rochester by using the online form. Or call us at (585) 272-0700 to schedule an appointment.

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