VISIA® Complexion Analysis

Provider using Visia complexion analysis with patient.

Our VISIA® Complexion Analysis system allows us to provide our patients with unique, high-quality facial images to develop a customized skin care regimen and treatment plan to optimize their anti-aging and regenerative skin health outcomes.

VISIA® captures 8 areas affecting complexion health and appearance: spots, wrinkles, texture, pores, UV spots (signs of ultraviolet ‘photo-damage’ due to sun exposure), brown spots (often related to sun exposure), red areas, and porphyrins (which can represent bacteria on the skin).

By comparing this information against a standard database, the dermatology experts at our Rochester, NY office will provide you with a personalized report and tailored skin care routine.

We provide complimentary VISIA® analysis, so stop in today or call (585) 272-0700 and talk to one of our skincare experts.

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One of the foundations of our success is the care we take to select qualified, talented, and caring people to provide services and care that exceed the expectations of our med spa clients. Each member of the spa team embodies the core values that DermaSpa is founded upon. They truly enjoy helping you to feel and look your best.

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